Thursday, December 4, 2008


Dear Abigail, you saw your first snow this week. It snowed Monday, December 1st, but it didn't stick, of course. You will find that the snow just doesn't like to hang around here very long, and that this angers your father. He's the only adult I know who still dreams of 'snow days' - as if his work is going to put the company name on the news that morning to show that no one has to show up! I've never had a snow day from work, and I seriously doubt he will, but he loves to keep dreaming. (now ice is a different story - we'll tell you some stories of ice storms). Nonetheless, you did get to feel it, because I took you out in it! Just to go to the Y though. See, Mommy and you try to go to the Y everyday. That way I can get a workout AND a shower, all within 2 hours. You get to go stay with the nice ladies in the Y nursery. They all love you and your different outfits with matching hairbows. Mommy LOVES getting to take a shower and get ready all in the same hour. Sometimes you make it hard for me to do that. But your worth it, and I'm learning that I don't really look that much different whether it takes me 4 hours to get ready or 1! We're also looking for you a nanny this week, which has been a little scary for mommy, but we really think we've lucked up on one. She's seems absolutely perfect on paper, and on the phone, so she's coming to meet you this Sunday. The only bad thing with her is her name is Lee, and, well, we just can't handle another "Lee" in our life!! We may have to ask her if we can call her something else. I guess we could always go with Mrs. Lee, huh.
We went and got your first Christmas tree today. You won't remember because you slept the whole time, which was fine with me. You've been a tad bit grumpy today, and even tonight after we got back from getting the tree, I thought maybe something might be wrong because you were so fussy. Daddy, of course, always thinks you are hungry, but I gave in and apparently he was right, or at least that got you to calm down for now. You also helped me wrap presents today. That was thanks to your fussiness. You would not let me put you down and I was in the middle of wrapping presents, so I just fastened you in the Baby Bjourn and off we went a wrapping. You actually enjoyed it (meaning you were quite the whole time and just watched me wrap - while standing up of course). I hope you keep enjoying it because you will find I love to wrap presents. I used to go help mammaw wrap presents, but that had a whole lot to do with the fact that she would buy a billion presents for everyone then not have the time or energy to wrap them!! Nonetheless, I enjoyed it then, and still do. It's probably the most artistic thing I can do! So hopefully you will continue to enjoy it!!
On Saturday, Mommy and Daddy are going to a party in honor of your cousin Ellie, so we're leaving you for the first time with a babysitter. She's our neighbor though, Claire, so I'm not as worried. Still though, it will be the first time... and no, Mimi wouldn't come up here to babysit. Don't get mad at her though, she had something going on this weekend, not to mention we're heading to Memphis the next weekend. More on that later though.
K, love you more than you'll ever know...

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dear Abby,
We had a good day yesterday. You helped me pull all the Christmas decorations out and put them up that morning. Then Uncle Jay-bee and Aunt Steph came by and we all went to lunch and then see their new house they are building. It is HUGE and we can't wait for him to build us one. You ate with us at lunch then slept in the car while we toured the house. Then we went searching for a lot for us! Sometimes I think our eyes are bigger than our stomach, or whatever the phrase is! We drove all around Franklin, in all the new subdivisions then went to visit baby Ryan. He has grown so much, but still looks so tiny compared to you! You, unfortunately, were a little fussy, and actually threw up all over their carpet - but no worries, we cleaned it up and I think it will be paid back at one point or the other!! Baby Ryan just slept the whole time, but he's still adorable. We then came back to the house and ordered pizza and watched Fulmer's last game as head coach. It was sad, and he did a good job - he won!! Uncle Jay-bee and Aunt Steph left and we put you to bed. Another day, another memory. Love you.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Your first Thanksgiving

Dear Abigail,

Well, you made it through your first Thanksgiving. You were the life of the party, well, that and all the good food we got to eat!! We drove up Thursday morning to Aunt Amy's & Uncle Martin's in Cookville. The Titans played at 11:30, so we had to be there in time to watch it. Uncle Jay-bee and Aunt Steph were already there, and of course all your cousins (Spencer, Harrison & Caroline). (Papa, Jordan and Carly joined us later). Daddy made his famous chili (the chili that won him first place at his work's chili cook-off, that is) for lunch and Aunt Steph brought homemade salsa - YUMMY! You, as always, looked adorable. Your first outfit was your Titans cheerleading uniform, with, of course, a blue bow! Uncle Martin (nor Aunt Amy) are much into football, or sports in general, but they let us crash the media room and watch the game. Of course, U.M. hung lizards on the wall the hole time, but we were still grateful. They even let us bring drinks and food up there!!! You did so good during the game - you even got exhausted so Aunt Steph had to put you down for a nap. During your nap, we starting preparing the turkey and all the fixings. Let's see, your first Thanksgiving meal consisted of sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, corn casserole, mac & cheese, stuffing, Brussels sprouts (gross), roasted potatoes, slaw, ham, and the happiest turkey ever eaten. Your silly Aunt Amy got suckered into buying a William Sonoma turkey that apparently roamed the lands and was fed the best food and massaged daily and all kinds of other crazy things! None the less, it was delicious. So was everything! We all had to write down what we were thankful for and me and daddy both put you. I also put that I was thankful the New Kids on the Block got back together and were on a reunion tour! But you were my first thankful thought! You did excellent during the meal - you sat in my lap the whole time. Uncle Jay-bee kept trying to feed you ham or whatever he could get his hands on. It was all to aggravate me - and it worked :) Everyone held you and fed you and danced with you. Harrison will never admit it, but every time you were in the room he wanted to be right there beside you. He kept holding your hands and patting you if you were a little fussy. And of course, Caroline couldn't get her hands off you!!! That night your Aunt Amy insisted you sleep in her room, and well, we weren't going to argue, especially since you sleep through the night anyway. So you slept in there from 8:30 to 6 when she fed you and you went right back to sleep till 8:45!!!! I think Uncle Martin slipped you some gin!! Breakfast was great - Aunt Steph made biscuits and ham (and pancakes for me and her!) and then we all went for our annual hike at Burgess Falls. We were a little nervous with you and Aunt Steph (since she is 7+ months pregnant with little Ellie), but both you did great. You even fell asleep on the hike back. We all went back to the house where we pulled all the leftovers out and had another big meal then watched a movie together. By the end of the movie, we were all ready to be back home, including you! We gathered our things and headed home, but were very thankful for such a wonderful thanksgiving with our family.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's been a while - sorry

Okay Abigail, I'm sorry. I am making it my personal goal to update this blog at least every other day, maybe just once a week, no, every other day. I seem to have a million things to do but then nothing to show for it. Anyway - I apologize - this was supposed to be my way of documenting our days together, so I will do better.
Lots of things have happened between then and now, but instead of spending tons of time on trying to remember, I'm just going to start fresh...

So, this past weekend, Mommy and Daddy went out of town without you for the first time!!! Daddy surprised me suddenly with a trip to Chicago. He arranged everything, even Mimi coming to stay with you. She had no problems what so ever with that. Daddy and I left Friday morning and got back Sunday, and I have to say, I missed you. I woke up the first night in the hotel VERY confused and starting demanding for Daddy to tell me where you were because I couldn't find you. After a couple minutes I realized what was going on, but it was scary there for a few. We went and saw Dirty Dancing on Broadway and Daddy surprised me (and you) with a little gift - it was a bib that says "Nobody puts Baby in a corner." One day, maybe when you are 30, I'll let you watch the movie to understand it, but for now, just know that the present rocked! We also ventured into the American Girl doll store, which I will put money on that you and me will go and visit many a time, and Daddy will chill at the ESPN zone right down the street.
According to Mimi, you guys had a ton of fun, just the 2 of you hanging out. She sent us several pictures updating and saying things like "she's sleeping all the time" or "she's been just perfect" and I hope it was true because we might just ask her again!!! Don't worry, we'll wait a little bit because I was so ready to see you. She said you guys shopped a little (you will learn this is what Mimi lives for) and surprise surprise she bought you something. She also was nice enough to hand wash a couple outfits of yours. I know i'm supposed to be at that level but I LOATHE hand washing anything... except your baths, which man alive you love. You are such a good bath baby. Even if you are crying before, you always end up happy. And Grandma taught us this trick to warm your towel up right before you get out of the bath, but I think I'll let that be her special trick when she bathes you!! It will be like getting candy, but without the cavities, right?

We're home now and trying to get you back on schedule, or well, us back on schedule. Daddy just put you down and we're hoping for an all nighter. You've been sleeping from 8ish to 5:00ish but we put you down at 9 tonight so maybe you'll pull through till after 6??? Like I said before, I will never complain about your sleep because you have done fantastic, but your Aunt Lizzy keeps talking about Emery and Sarah sleeping 7 to 7 and man, I will have to say, I am looking forward to that, or even just a 7 to 6, you know...
So we're getting ready for a big week - it's Thanksgiving week and we're headed to Cookeville, but I am committed to writing. Love you Abigail...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

In the beginning...

Dear Abby - You turned 6 weeks old yesterday. Since I am just getting started on this blog, here are some highlights from our first six weeks.
You were born on Friday, 9/5/08, after a very long and pretty darn tough labor; however, you were beautiful. You came into this world wide eyed, staring at everyone and everyone was impressed with you. You had the perfect manicured fingernails, too. I was impressed with that. I had gotten a manicure and pedicure a couple days before, so I guess that gets absorbed through the umbelical cord. You had lots of visitors throughout the weekend and behaved perfectly for them all. No crying, yet. Let's see, Mimi was the first one in, but for the record she about killed me and Daddy because we made her wait so long without any updates. We've learned our lesson... Mammaw, Uncle Bubba and Aunt Gina and even Emily were there immediately upon your arrival. Aunt Ash-Ash, Lynnie and Uncle Jay-bee waited the longs hours out too. Soon after PaPa Rob and Grandma were there and Papa Larry and Jordan then Aunt Steph and Auntie Amy and Aunt Jill and even Alexis. You had all kinds of visitors. The Grugett 4 met you that night - but then they went to dinner without us - how dare them!! One of my favorite memories (as if this experience was years ago) was the first Saturday night, me, Jeremy and you just hung out by ourselves watching football, as if nothing had changed for us except now we had this new baby to chill with us!
The nurses put a pretty purple bow in your hair and we thought you were just adorable, and you did so good. Finally Sunday arrived, and we got to go home, but not before you had your first poopy diaper - which Grandma changed!!! Mommy and Daddy were still just a little nervous about that whole gig. But then we headed home, and all the family was awaiting for you with a little champainge to celebrate the homecoming. Everyone but Mimi went home, and that's when the caoticness began!! Let me just sum this up by saying you cried for 3 straight nights, or better yet, screamed for 3 straight nights until we figured out you had the appetite of your mommy and weren't getting enough to eat - should have figured!! Once we got that situation settled, you were sleeping like a baby!. Of course, there were all kinds of little bumps along the way, such as both Daddy and Mimi got the stomach bug and were coranteened to the back bedrooms for a couple days. Then Mimi had to go home for work (as if!) and left us alone for a day! But after a week, we started to get things under control, and life with a baby got much easier. And Mimi came back!!
Let's see... You, Mimi and I got to take a short trip to Memphis the second week. You did wonderful in the car and in the Wendy's parking lot that we had to pull off at to feed you!! Ask Mimi about that scene. And you got to stay with your first 'babysitter' - Grandma. It was reported you were an angel, but Munch-Munch was a little disappointed you slept the whole time. You also got to meet Lizzy and Sarah and Emery! Althought those rugrats were more interested in Emily's toys than you - they will soon change their minds...
You went to the doc for your 2 week checkup and she said you were doing perfect - or better than perfect to be honest! We all had things figured out and then Mimi had to leave.
About your 4th or so week, you started getting into this nasty habit of being tad bit fussy between the hours of 7-9ish, and Uncle Jay-bee and Aunt Stephanie got a little dose of that when they babysat while me and daddy went out for our first date together since you. We did good, only bugged Uncle Jay-bee 4 times. They handled you well, and bless their hearts, they tried to act like you were the angel mentioned above, but we knew better - you were testing them so they could practice for your cousin Ellie!
You met a few of my co-workers one day. We went to lunch with them, and you, once again were perfect. Sleeping the entire time and waking just so they could see your pretty eyes. And I'm pretty sure I scared a couple of them off from having kids for a long time - one is getting her uterus removed...

Hmm.. Oh, I thought I was going to get my first all night of sleep because Mimi came up on a SAturday night and I went out with Sarah and Daddy to watch the game adn then we came home, rocked it out on rock band, and went to bed with no worries of getting up because we put your cradle in the room with Mimi BUT then right about the time I'm supposed to get up but i wasn't going to b/c Mimi was going to feed you, Mimi woke us up because the water heater busted and we had water up to our ankles in the laudry room and office. So we spent the next hour trying to figure out what to do. so much for getting a night of no wake ups. Not your fault, but man i really wanted that all night of sleep - it will soon come - I am optomistic. You do sleep well for your age, so no complaints.

K, that's all i have time for now. I hope I can keep up with all this posting stuff - we'll see...