Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Few of Your Favorite Things

Dear Abigail,
I got to thinking. Based on these posts, it seems like we are always going, going, going - which we are, don't get me wrong, BUT, we do spend some time at our lovely home! So I decided to follow you around with the camera and capture some of your favorite things at this point in your life. It's 2010, and this is what you enjoy doing on a daily basis!

Maybe I shouldn't start with this, but this is where we always look first for you...
You love, love, love climbing in the desk chair and banging the keyboard. You know you are not supposed to be up there, and especially not touching the keyboard and mouse, but you get so excited when we catch you that we are starting to think it's a game to you... hmmmm....

Here's another activity you enjoy, and Mommy and Daddy don't get mad at you for this...

It's your tent!!! You love running and hiding in the tent! You usually make us zip it shut so we can't see you OR you make us get in with you and then zip it up! Kind of makes Mommy a little claustrophobic, but I do it for you baby girl! You also love crawling through the tunnels to the other tents - and of course, begging me and Daddy to do the same. That just can't happen, physically! I think you are learning that the tunnels are just for you though - you love just laying in them, all covered with tent everywhere! Maybe you are going to be a little spelunker!
Of course, there is always a mountain climber...

But who knows... you also may drive a submarine one day the way you like to get in enclosed spaces...

I don't make this stuff up, I promise...
You also love this new lawn mower you got for Christmas. I don't think Santa had any idea you would enjoy it so much. The only thing is, you don't like pushing forward so much - you'd rather drag it behind you, but boy do you ever drag it! Everywhere!!

What's funny is you did all this, seriously, in about 10 minutes. What I am trying to say, is that you do not sit still!!! You move from one thing to the other to the other to the other! No wonder you sleep so well at night!!

Speaking of, you always like giving Kitty night-night kisses and believe it or not, she is starting to let you give them to her!

Of course, you still enjoy pulling at her tail, or leg, or anything she lets you grab...

And then there is budder-budder. You LOVE your budder-budder. I'm not sure who got you in the habit of eating it while sitting on the floor, but that's what you insist on doing, and, when Mommy isn't in too big a rush (or isn't concerned with keeping everything clean), I let you - and boy, do you love it...

I am sure it's not the most sanitary thing to do, and probably not in Miss Manners book either, but it's one of those things I love to let you do - and I give you an extra blueberry or 2 to keep the immune system up!!

You love your table, too, and especially like having tea parties with me and Daddy and Miss Lee.

And of course, standing on our coffee table always seems to please you!

You have several other favorites, too, that I couldn't get a picture of for one reason or the other. You love your giraffe bicycle. You just learned how to put your feets on the pedals and stand up! You are so advanced! But, you are set back for your next passion... you love your paci and lovey. You are beginning to need them together, meaning if you get your paci, you immediately need your lovey. I'm okay with it because it's mostly at bedtime and nap time, but your doctor seems to think we need to phase that out sooner than later. One day... You also love nannas! That's code for bananas. You just randomly start shouting 'nannas, nannas, nannas' at any given point in the day and run straight for the kitchen. I always wonder what triggers that... You love playing on the bed, Mommy's and Daddy's bed and you love to play 'getty up horsey' with Mommy. I love seeing your face and you are flying on your horse! And you love to chase Daddy. You think it's so funny how he runs from you -and you always catch him!! You of course, still love your books, and balls - how could i forget your balls! You love throwing the balls everywhere. Oh, and blocks - you love to knock down the stack of blocks that we build! Hmmm, I'm sure I'm leaving a million things out - you are such a happy baby and just love everything these days! If I think of anymore, I'll try to remember to jot them down for the next 'favorite things' update. Until then, you, baby girl, are my favorite thing! I love you!!!!


NC said...

You are getting good at this! Love you.

NC said...

Oops, that's from me. JC. Not NC.