Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A New Year

Dear Abigail,
Yes, we had another Christmas get together! Mammaw and Pawpaw and Lynnie went to visit Sarah and Emery during Christmas, so, for the first time in geez, at least 50 some odd years, we did not go down to Mammaws for Christmas breakfast! It was sad, but we're glad Emery and Sarah got to experience Christmas with them for once. And, since they weren't there on Christmas, we decided to do Christmas on New Year's day! But I guess I should back up a little...
On New Years Eve, we drove to Memphis where Aunt Ash-ash and Clara Lee were patiently waiting for you. Mommy and Daddy went to a basketball game, a basketball game that we ALMOST took you to thanks to your BFF Sarah's suggestion. Thank goodness we decided not to - I think you need another year before you are ready, and you need to learn Rocky Top! Anyway, so Aunt Ash-ash and Clara Lee seized the opportunity to have you over to her house, after spending a little time with Mimi, of course. According to Ash-ash, you had a blast, especially finding new things to climb on! I think she finally is starting to believe me when I say you are little monkey! And Clara Lee had so much fun taking anything you had away from you. Mommy is going to teach you self defense before your next sleep over with oh CL! Unfortunately/Fortunately, you did not stay up until midnight, but I think you brought the new year in just fine! (pictures to come as soon as your Aunt Ash Ash gets that CD to me!!!)

So on New Year's Day, we headed over to Mammaws and the whole crew was there! Boy was it crowded, but you had fun playing with all the kids, chasing Em around, and, once again, finding new things to climb on/in!

After a lot of chili and other goodies, we started passing presents out, which was good because you (along with a couple other kiddos) were getting super sleepy. Unfortunately, and you will learn this eventually, there is always drama when this family gets together, and it was no different this time. Mammaw all of a sudden didn't feel very good and we had to call 911! Oh man did the chaos begin! Babies were crying, mommies were crying, daddies were confused trying to calm crying babies and mommies!! But, thankfully we all pulled together and got Mammaw to the hospital. All the grandkids and great-grandkids (that's you) and Mimi (cause she's still a little sick) stayed behind. Once we heard Mammaw was going to be okay, everyone insisted we open the presents, so, we did. Or well, Mommy and Daddy did - you took that much needed nap!! But, good news is, you got lots of awesome gifts, including a basketball goal and a swing!! Oh, and Mammaw got to come home that night and hopefully is going to be just fine! Man oh man, Abigail. Definitely a different Christmas at Mammaws, but it wouldn't be our Christmas if there wasn't some excitement! We decided to pick up pizza on the way back to Mimi's, and after you gobbled it up, we all headed straight to bed - well, Daddy may have watched a little football! Nonetheless, we headed to Nashville on Saturday, but first...
We made a pit stop in Clarksville. It was Grandaddy's 80th birthday, and Papa Rob and the gang were heading out to lunch to celebrate so we decided to join them. Let's see, Papa Rob and Gramma, Uncle Charlie and Gloria, Miss Ida and Mr. Ron and then, of course, Grandaddy were all there! Being the birthday boy he got to pick the place to eat, and decided upon the fine establishment of Ryan's! As much as I may make fun of Ryan's, you loved it - you gobbled everything from carrots to onions to chicken fingers to rolls! Quite the variety for ya!! (and I do love the rolls, myself!!) You were wanting out of your high chair, so Papa Rob said he would watch you - he did not know what he was in for! There were several times we had to scream "Papa Rob - get her!!" And one time you almost got food off someone else's plate. Papa Rob dismissed himself after that!!!
All in all, a busy busy busy weekend, but we're back home now and ready for this fun-filled January! They say it's going to snow tonight.... Love you baby girl!

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