Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Big Green Egg

Dear Abigail,
A couple weeks ago, our lives were changed forever. Your daddy finally got his dream grill, the Big Green Egg. Yes, you heard me correctly - grill = big green egg. It's big, and it's green, and, as a matter of fact, it cracks like an egg (and looks like one, too). I'm hoping by the time you are old enough to read this you will know what this BGE is, as your daddy claims it will be in our lives for a very long time. We will see... I know he has said his top 4 favorite things are you, me, Kitty, and the BGE, with the rankings changing ever so often. I am sure you don't move too far from the top, but I'm guessing after this past weekend, the BGE moved up a couple...
Anyway, so, Daddy got the BGE. He was so excited about it, and brought it home, and was showing it off to me and Mimi and, especially to you. He even started playing hide and seek with you and Elmo - hiding Elmo in the egg that is. Well, one little bump to it later, and the egg was cracked. Less than 12 hours old, and it was ruined. Thankfully, the folks at the store were real nice and let Daddy replace certain parts (for a small fine, that is), and so within a couple weeks, we were back to owning an egg! Now all Daddy had to do was prove to us it was worth all the hassle - and indeed he did!
Finally, after a couple weekends of rain and other gatherings, we invited the gang over to play, and of course, eat! You were super excited because Ryan and Ellie finally got to come over and play on your playground, and I was excited because we weren't at the Mexican restaurant, which meant you could run around and I didn't have to worry about you throwing forks across the table, at least not this night. And we all had so much fun. Mr. Jay and Miss Erin came, and baby Grant, too and he did so good, didn't give Miss Erin any trouble. And Mr. Jay even pushed you on the tree and tried to get you to pick some flowers. And of course, your boy Ryan and Mr. Lee and Miss Leigh came, and then your BCF Ellie and Uncle Jay-bee and Aunt Steph, and guess who else - Miss Linda and Mr. Dave! Member them from the snow! We were so happy to see them, and without all that snow it was much easier to play with everyone! Everyone played and played and played, and then ate and ate and ate. Daddy cooked ribs on the grill and then fancy hamburgers, adn everyone, even you, were super impressed. After lots of playing, it was time for bed and Aunt Steph and Mommy were trying a new trick out. See, we needed the light in the room Ryan was going to sleep in, so we put him in the room Ellie usually sleeps in, and then, drumroll please... we put Ellie in the same room as you! Yep, that's right - both of you are so awesome at sleeping that we were able to put Ellie down, then within 5 minutes, lay you down and BAM, you were both asleep. You even woke up a couple hours later and let out a cry, but it didn't bother Ellie at all. YAY to the BCFs!! Anyway, Daddy exceeded out expectations of that BGE and we can't wait to have 1 million more grill outs with the gang. Here's a few pics we were able to capture...

Daddy's favorites...
Daddy and his ribs

This was my fave. You and Ryan loved playing in the tunnel...

Here's you doing your gymnastics...

Should have known you'd fine the ice...

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