Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy New Year!

Dear Abigail,
Mommy still thinks it's a little silly to keep you awake just to be there when the new year starts.  Well, that, and I'm pretty sure I COULDN'T keep you awake, even if I wanted to!  So while you weren't shooting off fireworks or blowing horns when the ball dropped, you did have a fun night.  Mommy and Daddy and Aunt Steph and Uncle Jaybee went to Mr. Lee's and Miss Leigh's house for an adult only night - woo!woo! - and Mimi and Pic-pic were freaking rock stars and kept all 4 of you for us!!  I like to think we helped them out by putting the babies to bed before we left, but we all know that putting those babies to bed are the easiest part of the babysitting experiment.  You two (you and Ellie that is) are the issue, at least when it's Mimi, who doesn't like to yell at you like Aunt Steph and I will!  Apparently, Mimi tried putting the two of you to bed in your beds, but after going up there 4 different times and catching you playing with playdoh in the bed the last time, she put you both in our bed WITH her and that's where you fell asleep.  Poor Mimi was supposed to watch a movie that night, but instead had to lay in the bed with both of you, and according to Mimi, it wasn't early either!
And then to top it off, Christopher woke up super, super early so Mimi did not get a good night sleep at all. But she did give you white donuts New Year's Day, so see, she is a rock star, huh!  By the time the parents got home (we spent the night out), poor Mimi was so tired and needed a nap (and got one)!
Later that day (after you took a nap, too), we ate black eyed peas, cabbage, hog jowl and cornbread, because, you know, that's the only way to bring in the new year!
We did a little dancing on the Wii and played a few notes on the drums and off to bed we went (well, not really because you were super wound up thanks to a really long nap, but eventually we all went to sleep).  A great start to a new year, other than completely wearing Mimi out!
Happy New Year girlie!  Here's to another wonderful, fun filled, never slowing down year with you!!! Love you!

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