Thursday, January 31, 2013

Learning to Play by Yourself

Dear Abigail,
You sometimes struggle with playing by yourself.  I have learned you have a very social personality, along with other intriguing and delightful traits, but part of being social means you like to have someone to play with. All.  The.  Time.  Unfortunately, Mommy cannot play with you all the time.  I've had to start making you play by yourself for a period of time each day.  The other day I got you to go upstairs to play by yourself (usually you want to 'play by yourself' wherever I am) and when I finally came up after dinner to check out the damage, this is what I found...

I just might be regretting this whole play by yourself gig...
Still love you though, and your super social personality.  No clue where you get it from.... :)

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