Thursday, May 6, 2010

Our Weekend Visit to Abby's

Sweet Abby Cadabby! It’s your favorite aunt… Aunt Ash-Ash! No need to specify, though, right??? I was so excited when Mommy asked me to write to you about our weekend together since she was away. We are used to YOU coming to visit US, so it was a nice change for US to get to come visit YOU.

By the time we got there Friday evening, Clara Lee was so excited to see “Abby.” I bet she said your name thirty times on the way there! When we pulled up in your driveway, you and Mimi were sitting on the front porch waiting for us. You looked so cute sitting there in your cute little play clothes and Keds! We got Clara Lee and Jack unloaded, and they both went running to you. You instantly loved Jack (and his name). You said, “Jack,” as many times as Clara Lee said, “Abby”! We unloaded our bags and took y’all out to the backyard to play. Clara Lee and Jack loved your little playground. The three of you ran back and forth between the playground and the swing chasing the ball and each other. Of course every time you got in the swing, Clara Lee wanted to get in. When it was her turn, she cried because she wanted you to get in with her. You weren’t exactly feeling that. You preferred playing with Jack, actually. I am wondering if you might have had your first little crush?!

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Once we went back inside, the three of you played in your playroom before supper. After supper it was time for baths! I figured I would give Mimi a break, so I put you and Clara Lee in the bathtub together. All was going well for a minute, and then you decided you had enough. I’m not sure if you were feeling crowded or you didn’t like the way Aunt Ash-Ash does bath time, but you definitely wanted out. I think you may have been a little sleepy, too- don’t tell Mommy, but you were up past your bedtime! Mimi came and got you out while I finished bathing your cousin. Jack was more than happy to take your place, so he jumped in with Clara Lee. As soon as we got everybody in jammies, you were ready for night night. You walked around with Lovey and paci and gave everybody a night night kiss. I have always loved your kissies. You do such a good job of puckering those pretty little lips. And the “mwwaa” you add is just icing on the cake! Too precious! I think you were asleep as soon as Mimi laid you down in the crib. We never heard a peep from you.

The next morning, Jamie and I had to leave early to go do the half marathon. You and Clara Lee were both still asleep when we left. Y’all spent the morning with Mimi, Uncle Jay, and Jarrod. Aunt Ash-Ash was a little worried leaving Mimi there alone with Uncle Jay and Jarrod since the house had to be in tip-top shape when y’all left, but she said they did a good job of helping. Our original plan was to have y’all meet us at the finish line of the race, but the weather didn’t cooperate. Instead, y’all picked us up in the pouring rain and we went straight to Mr. Rodney’s party. Mr. Rodney is Mrs. Auburn’s dad (he is also Uncle Jay’s uncle). He has been very sick, so Mrs. Auburn planned a surprise party for his 60th birthday. Mommy hated that she would not be there for the party, but she was glad you were going to be able to go in her place. The party was at a place downtown called Roberts. (I think I heard your daddy say that he and your mommy went to Robert’s on their first date actually.) Well, your mommy and daddy might like Robert’s, but I’m not convinced you’re much of a fan yourself! You were a happy girl before we got there, but once we went upstairs at Robert’s, not so much. Clara Lee was right along beside you, too. The two of you were not happy being in such a confined area with so many people. Clara Lee managed to fall asleep in my arms in the midst of the crowd, but you weren’t quite so lucky. Mimi tried to distract you with food, and Daddy showed up and tried to play with you, but it was all just too much for you. It didn’t help that the party fell right during your nap time. Eventually you, Mimi, and Daddy left the party so you could go home and take a nap. Bless your heart, there was just too much going on for a sleepy baby.

By the time the rest of us got back to your house, you were all rested and ready to play. When we came in, you and Mimi were hiding from us under the covers on Mommy and Daddy’s bed. Clara Lee found you and joined y’all on the bed for some play time. I know Mimi enjoyed having both of you together. Clara Lee brought you a toy home from Cracker Barrel, but you weren’t all that interested in it. You were MUCH more interested in Jack’s toy- a toy gerbil and wheel! You L-O-V-E-D it! You just sat and watched that little gerbil go round and round and round. You would set it in the floor, lay on your belly with your head propped up on your hands, and watch it go round and round until Jack would take it away from you. Y’all repeated this over and over. You got so upset each time he would take it away- you loved that little gerbil! You would look at us and ask, "Mouse? Mouse?" Next time, Clara Lee will know just what to get you! Maybe you can even talk Mommy into getting you a real gerbil soon!!! I bet if you’re real sweet, she will...right, Mommy???
We spent the rest of the evening playing inside. We were all exhausted from the rain and a long day, though, so it didn’t take us long to start winding down. Aunt Ash-Ash gave you and Clara Lee a quick bath again, and we all got in our jammies. You went down for the night first, but the rest of us weren’t far behind you at all. Everybody in the house was completely quiet and asleep before 8 o’clock! What a day! A long one, but a good one!

The next morning we got up and ate breakfast. Jack left early with his family, but you and Clara Lee spent some time playing before we had to leave. You were so excited to be going to Mimi’s house. Mimi would say, “Where are you going?” and you would say, “Mimi house!” It was super cute. You and Clara Lee played so well while we got our things packed and loaded up. You and Mimi actually loaded up and left before us. Mimi said you were such a good girl on the trip to Munford.

We had such a good time at your house, Abby. We loved getting to visit you at your home. Clara Lee is CRAZY about you, Abby!!! Thank you for letting us stay at your house and play with your toys. Such a wonderful little host already- Mommy would be proud! We can’t wait for you to come stay at our house again! We love, love, love you very much! MMMWWAAA!!!!!

Aunt Ash-Ash and Clara Lee

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Mimi had a GREAT weekend with my baby girls!!!! Can't wait until you come the end of May so Nanner & Em can have a sleep over with you at Mimi's house. I LOVE YOU MORE!!!!!