Friday, May 21, 2010

Another week, another zoo trip

Dear Abigail,
You had another successful week at school! Yeah!! Miss Tiba and Miss Anna both say you are doing fantastic, even though your naps are struggling. You are getting better and better about the drop off scene, which is good because Daddy has to do the dropping off! And you are super excited when I come and pick you up, but you are starting to show me things you do while you are at school, rather than just running and jumping in my arms like you did the first week. You still ask for Miss Lee every morning, and usually in the afternoons, too. It makes Mommy sad, but I know it's all going to be okay with time...
Instead of school on Thursday, Mommy and you went to the zoo!! What a good day at the zoo, too. We went super early, and it wasn't very hot, so the animals were everywhere!! When we first walked in, there were loud noises and you kept saying "birds, birds" and Mommy thought they were loud birds, too, like parrots or something, but low and behold, they were monkeys swinging from tree to tree, just a hollering like crazy!! You loved it and were imitating the noise almost to a "t"! Soon after the monkeys, we were headed towards the zebras and that's when it happened - you fell. And, of course, your knee split open. And, of course, you began your concern of your boo-boo showing. So the rest of the trip you were either tugging your little dress down to cover your knee or asking me to put your dress 'down'. I was able to get you distracted ever so often, and thankfully, the giraffes and elephants were able to distract you some, too, but you never forgot about that boo-boo. Finally we made it home where you were able to put pants on and say 'bye boo-boo'.
Here are some pics to prove it...
(see your boo boo on your right leg...)
And this is how your rode in your stroller
If looks could kill...
Yay for giraffes distracting...
But not for long...
It was a fun day, and then it rained rained rained, so we had pretty good timing. After it rained, we were able to go outside and do your favorite thing - RUN. Yep, you ask to run all the time. Here's how it works. Mommy says "on your mark" and then I try to say "get set" but before I get that out you say "GOOOOO" and you take off running. If Mommy or Daddy doesn't run with you, you start saying "more run, more run". And off we run...
And, because Mommy is extra nice these days, I let you play in the mud, or well, dirt. And boy did you play... We had to take a bath ASAP!!

Tonight we're giving Mexican (i.e. restaurants) another go, so here's wishing you/me luck! And then Mimi comes up tomorrow!
Love you!!!!!

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