Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

Dear Abigail,
What a fun weekend we had! And to be honest, the fun started a little before the weekend! Thursday, we went to gymnastics, where you continue to thrive. After gymnastics and a quick nap, Mommy took you to get a new book - a Big Sister book! Cause that's what you are, and that's what you tell EVERYBODY! After we got you a book, you went and hung out at Daddy's office for a little while because Mommy was making a quick trip to Memphis (i'll get to that in a sec...) and no, that little man did not take your candy. Your memory is unreal, as that was from Halloween, and you still ask if that little man is going to take your candy - anyway - he didn't. But you and Daddy got to eat at Chick-fil-a after work and Daddy sent me a picture of you with a big o' cup of ice cream!!! He claims he asked for a small, but the man gave him a large. Regardless, you were in heaven!!!
So yes, I went to Memphis, for the sole purpose of finding out if you were going to get a baby brother or a baby sister - and guess which one..... A BABY SISTER!! That's right, Mommy's having another beautiful baby girl!! You are very excited about this news and have requested to call her "Tiana", multiple times. Of course, now you request "Peanut" because your Daddy has suggested one to many times that you call her that...I've got bad news for both of you - neither of those names are even close. We're not sure exactly what we are going to call her, but it's not Peanut - and I doubt Tiana either...
I got back from Memphis on Friday, and while we thought the gang was all in for Mexican, come to find out no one could make it! So me, you and Daddy decided to change things up a bit and head to The Chop House. Let's just say you were not on your best behavior. Nor did you eat any of your meatloaf and mashed potatoes... That's all I'm going to say about that dinner experience.
Saturday brought lots of happiness, though! Saturday morning you and Daddy went to the park while Mommy did a long walk. Then we headed off to Connor's birthday party! Connor is from your class, and you were very excited about going, probably because it was at Pump it Up, but also because your friends were going to be there. I wasn't sure the 'guidelines' to 3 year old parties, so I didn't bring my camera in, but I think next time it will be okay for me to take a couple pictures of you with the birthday boy! I did get a before picture (but that was mainly because I wanted to take a picture of the cute outfit Mommy sort of made!!)
The party was a blast, and Mommy got to meet lots of your friends and their parents, too. Let's see - Connor, of course, and Brayden, Bryson, another Connor, Addison, Dilora, London, hmmmm, I'm forgetting several - nonetheless, these were all your friends at the party! You got to eat pizza and cupcakes and most important - Ice cream!!!! Oh, and you got to jump jump and jump!!
After the party, we took a nap and then had to get ready for our big night out! Well, your big night was a little different than Mommy's and Daddy's, but I'm sure all the same fun! Mommy and Daddy went on our own to dinner and a show while you went to spend the evening with Ellie - even got to spend the night! You girls played, of course, and even did some dancing, and didn't get back home until Sunday!
And Sunday was such a fun day, too! It was Papa's birthday, so everyone came over and Daddy grilled for us all! Ellie and Uncle Jaybee and Aunt Steph came, and all the Ing's, and of course, Papa and Jordan, too! It was a ridiculously beautiful day, and we all enjoyed being outside, blowing bubbles, kicking balls, riding your jeep or 100 of your other riding toys - all of it was just lovely!

I was able to convince you, somehow, to take a nap, and after the nap we continued to play and play and play, even after everyone left. All our neighbors were out as well, and so we all played in each other's backyards, swinging on swings, and climbing the playsets. It was nice to finally have some nice weather and enjoy our neighbors (not to mention our family!!). Before I knew it, it was 6:30 and I hadn't even thought of dinner! That's how much fun we were having!! After a quick dinner, a quick bath and a quick (NOT REALLY) going to bed routine, we were all resting peacefully!
A fun fun fun weekend! I'd like to say the weather continued, but Monday was awful awful storms, with tornados and lots of winds and all kinds of yuckness! I'm pretty sure the weather is getting better though (at least warmer) by the weekend!!!
Love you!!!!

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