Thursday, February 2, 2012

Monkeying Around

Dear Abigail,
I am getting your blood tested ASAP, as I am determined you are half monkey. Today we went to the park at our old house and you surprised us all by doing this...

At first, I just blew it off, because I didn't think you could do the monkey bars. Then I looked up and there you were, just swinging from one to the next. I have NO clue where you learned to do that because I'm pretty sure you don't have those at school. Not to mention I can't believe you physically CAN do that! That is a very big girl thing to do - even the 5 year old at the park couldn't do it without her Mommy holding her feet. All I know is you put on quite the show. And you kept doing it, over and over again. A couple times you were just hanging by one arm, like the monkey's do at the zoo. I'm telling you, you are 1/2 monkey. No question.... Love you all the same! And man alive I'm so proud of you! You are going to be such the athlete!

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